Excitement & Anticipation
Today was the kick off for Brit Week in Santa Monica on the 3rd Street Promenade, where I work! Which made me suuuuper excited because I'm leaving for my trip in 2 weeks! I'll be in Rome so soon from now, and I can't believe how quickly it snuck up on me! I pretty much know what I'm taking, and because I'm staying in places that will have a washing machine I know not to pack a ton of clothes. It's the shoes and nightlife outfits that are gonna sneak their way into my suitcase and cause me to pay an extra weight fee at the airport. But if I leave them behind they'll think I don't love them anymore... :( I don't think it really has hit me yet that this is gonna happen fast. That before I know it... I'm going to be at that airport, showing the TSA my disgustingly, embarrassing passport picture. Hoping he won't wonder if the girl in the braces is actually me or not. That in just a few short days, I'm going to be sipping lemoncello, dinning on the best pasta in the world, with the lovely Katrina, and watching a beautiful Positano sunset. Ahhh! I can't wait!
Sadness & Despair
Leaving on this trip has made me hit a reality that I am going to have no money for a while. Which means I have to leave a job that I have completely fallen in love with, for good! (because I'll be getting a new one back home for a while) For those of you that don't know I currently work at Victoria's Secret on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. And I love it! I love how busy it gets in there, and how full of foreigners it is, all. the. time! I absolutely love all the girls I work with! Thais my little, beautiful Brazilian! Who calls me crazy all the time! Teresa, the sweetest Spaniard I'll probably ever meet! She has helped me become so confident in the fitting rooms, I'm not quite sure how to repay her. Olga, so feisty! She always makes me laugh! Angela Brown... Gurrrrrrrrrl!! I always feel so ghetto fabulous when I hang with her, and I'm gonna miss sitting in traffic with her, carpooling to work! She easily became a bestie. Xochilt, who made me say "rachet" and ya know... I think I'm a better person for it. Kaylynn, "EVERYTHING'S WRONG!" Closing with him took forever, but it was so hilarious! And to name a few others, Sharron, Taylor, Betsy, Natasha, Summer, Monsea and any others I've worked with and shared a laugh or two... or six. I'm gonna miss those ladies like crazy. They've made this the best working experience I think'll ever have. Not to mention the best management crew fo sho! Alexis, my direct manager, I love her singing whenever we closed, whenever I hear "Buy U A Drank" I will think fondly of her! Dianna, I love her dirty mind and semi-awkwardness. Anytime I see a hot guy, I will immediately be reminded of her running and hiding behind me because she was blushing so much! Erin, she'll probably never read this... but I heart her. she was an amazing boss and co-worker. I will miss her mucho! Anna, April, and Ashley, they all have been incredible! Their work ethic has been inspiring! I am now a better employee because of every single one of my managers! I will miss dearly, working for them. (Don't you all just wanna tear up???)
Shock & Awe!
So I love working in Santa Monica for a few reasons, one of which it being a hot spot for celebrities! So far I've let Cindy Crawford and her daughter into a fitting room, and asked William Baldwin if he was finding everything ok!
But today!!! I showed this little lady

Yes... Diane FREAKIN Keaton and her daughter
where the Very Sexy bra was! I am going to miss
the amazing sightings and the hilarious "OMG! That
is, blah blah blah!!!" over the mics! No one else
knows what the heck we're laughing or getting all excited
about, so they just stare at us. Hilarious.
Stress & Confusion
Since I'm going home for a couple days (3 days to be exact) I want to see more people that I love! But It's going to be so difficult! Because there are so many people I love and wanna see before I go on this adventure of mine, but so little time! I need to make a schedule and not deviate from it. Luckily most of the people I wanna see go to church so I can see so many just in that little pocket of time. But it's quite stressful to try and get people who I wanna see for more than 2 minutes all figured out. Especially since this is crunch time for some people and their schoolin. I hope to see and be able to spend a valuable amount of time with all my lovelies.
and lastly...
I chipped some of the glue on my permanent bottom retainer on a chicken tender (wtf?) and now it's rubbin on my tongue. Frickin A...
Welp... Hoped you enjoyed this emotional rollercoaster and you didn't fall asleep, cause CRIKEY! It's a long one! ;)
Cass <3
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